Feb 10, 2019
Jill Stanbro Plummer Hughes was born, raised and has spent her entire life in Canton, Oh. She has imported two husbands from out of state. At separate times, of course! Married for 7 ½ years to Michael Hughes with three grown children, Eric, Julie and Sean, 7 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter, who are all the loves of her life, along with her son-in-law and two daughters-in-law.
Since 1979 Jill has worked strictly in the window coverings business.
After working for another company, Jill started her own business, in January 1984. In the 35 years that Stanbro’s Draperies has existed, Jill's business has come full circle from working by herself in her basement workroom, to moving the business three times and employing as many as 10 people, to being back in a basement workroom in her home working mainly on her own, with some much needed assistance from her family.
Jill had the privilege of working for both Cheryl Strickland and Margie Nance. Jill loved teaching and it enabled her to travel all over the country sharing her knowledge and she has met some of the most wonderful people that are still her good friends. She published several articles and was even a cover girl on D&WC magazine!
Jill keeps trying to retire but customers and friends won’t allow it, but mostly because she still loves what she does. Her byline says it best: I love that when my job is finished, something beautiful exists.
Social Media
Facebook: Jill Plummer Stanbro Hughes
Instagram: @Standrapes
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