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Sew Much More

Welcome to the Sew Much More Podcast!  The interviews here are with creative business owners, mostly in the Custom Window Treatment, Soft Home Furnishings, and Upholstery industry, but also with others that are sewing related or business related.

Thanks for taking the time to listen.  Stop by The Sew Much More Podcast Facebook page and let me know what you think!


Dec 26, 2016

For many of us, our first M'Fay Pattern was our introduction to professional drapery making.  It's amazing that such an extensive collection of instructional manuals and patterns all started because of one woman's thought that someone ought to be making them!  

In this podcast, Marylan Borchardt and family talk about her initial interest in sewing, the early days working within her sister's business, the development of her first pattern (The Empire) and the growth of the M'Fay Pattern Company.  They are joined by Jeanelle Dech of Adaptive Textiles who recently acquired the patterns, and shares with us her vision of the future.

I hope all of  you have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukah and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!  I look forward to hosting more podcasts in 2017!

The Sew Much More Podcast is sponsored by

Scarlet Thread Consulting


The Workroom Channel