Jan 28, 2018
Working as an interior designer, drapery workroom, and upholsterer for over 20 years Jill Ragan Scully, owner of Impressive Windows & Interiors, LLC, has a strong passion for the soft furnishing industry. This diverse skill set is apparent in each space in which she designs for the clients in which she has the pleasure of working. Jill has been a fixture within the WFCP program for eight years teaching design and workroom of classes at both IWCE as well as online. She recognized the need for access to a broader range of products and services for her peers, so Jill founded My Designer Concierge, a buying group for the soft furnishing industry. She recently expanded these efforts by providing valuable business services such as digital newsletters and affordable websites exclusively for her peers. Jill also works as the content manager for Drapery & Design Digital Digest, seeking articles and contributing sponsors for this free digital publication.
Jill also has a Facebook Business page for Impressive Windows & Interiors, LLC and for My Designer Concierge.
I, too, am wondering about the calculator app you mentioned. Can you share the name of it? Thanks!
Hi Ceil, I was really interested in that app you mentioned that shows fractions is it in the show notes? Maybe I missed it.