Sep 26, 2016
Our guest today is Terri Boozer, owner of Studio of Drapery And Fabrication Arts, LLC and Construction Zone Coordinator and Director of The Window Fashions Artisan Project for IWCE. Find out how Terri's business has evolved over the years and how even though becoming an elementary school teacher was not her passion, educating members of our industry has become a huge part of her mission. Terri shares how she conquers those tough days in the workroom. During the interview, Terri mentioned a book, it is; The Six Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome them.
You can find Terri at Studio of Drapery and Fabrication Arts, LLC and to find the Window Fashions Artisan Project Contest Guidelines, go to the WFCP Construction Zone and Window Fashions Aritsan Project Facebook page.