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Sew Much More

Welcome to the Sew Much More Podcast!  The interviews here are with creative business owners, mostly in the Custom Window Treatment, Soft Home Furnishings, and Upholstery industry, but also with others that are sewing related or business related.

Thanks for taking the time to listen.  Stop by The Sew Much More Podcast Facebook page and let me know what you think!


Dec 27, 2020

The Sew Much More Podcast is sponsored by;
The Workroom Channel
Scarlet Thread Consulting
Helser Brothers, Inc
The Curtains and Soft Furnishings Resource Library
Merril Y Landis, LTD
Michele Williams and I continue our tradition of wrapping up the year together.  What a year this has been!!!
Have there been any gifts for you?  How about lessons?
How will you say goodbye to 2020?
Links and Resources;
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck