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Sew Much More

Welcome to the Sew Much More Podcast!  The interviews here are with creative business owners, mostly in the Custom Window Treatment, Soft Home Furnishings, and Upholstery industry, but also with others that are sewing related or business related.

Thanks for taking the time to listen.  Stop by The Sew Much More Podcast Facebook page and let me know what you think!


Aug 27, 2023

Sue Parten opened her workroom in 1985. She found that To-the-Trade was the best fit for her so she could be home with her kids, and she didn’t have to continuously find new clients.
Sue hired a business coach in 2009 when the economy crashed. 
She was working a 2 nd job to make ends meet and knew she needed to change things up. Her coach helped her look at her workroom as a business instead of a paycheck. Together they built systems and set goals so that someday, Sue could hand someone else the keys to the
kingdom and ride off into the sunset!
Donald Miller - Story Brand

Some of the links I provide, specifically to Amazon and a few others, require me to let you know that if you use those links and make a purchase, I will make some money.  I won't make a million dollars, but I might be able to get a cup of coffee, so thank you!

M. Scott Peck MD - The Road Less Traveled
Rick Warren - The Purpose Driven Life